Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry

Outline of Research
Our research focuses on analytical chemistry of biomedicals and biopharmaceuticals.

For example,

1. Isolation and characterization of bioactive peptides derived from enzymatic hydrolysates of human proteins.

2. Determination of purine- and pyrimidine-metabolites, which are associated with gout.

3. Fluorimetric determination of tryptophan-related compounds by liquid chromatography with postcolumn photoirradiation.

Professor Dr. Kazuya Nakagomi
Professor Dr. Kiyoko Kaneko
Associate Professor Dr. Ken-ichi Mawatari
Assistant Professor Dr. Makoto Yasuda
Assistant Professor Dr. Noriko Yamaoka
Assistant Professor Dr. Tomoko Fukuuchi
Graduate Student (Master Course)
2nd Grade 4 students 1st Grade 8 students
Undergraduate Student
4th Grade 17 students
3th Grade 20 students

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